Why Email Campaigns?
People check their email an average of fifteen times every day. As a result, Email Marketing is still the number one direct response marketing vehicle online. Campaigns are incomplete without an email component.Crestone Programmatic Email Marketing product targets consumers based on shopping preferences, interests, demographics, psychographics, purchasing history, location, interest, and more.A marketer can reach their specific target market by leveraging our Email Marketing solution the same way they have used acquisition direct mail in the past.
Who is your ideal customer?
Crestone strategic approach to recommending email marketing can be described as comparative to the what direct mail was used in the past. We start by understanding our client’s Ideal Client Profile (ICP). Our team will work with you and your team to identify these target audiences and then research the availability, scale and cost to reach these targets. Based on this research and our recommended strategy we decide on a volume target and frequency, as well as understanding the importance and alignment of our message.
Email marketing offers a substantial opportunity at scale to verify client sales data. The Crestone team provides detailed reports and engagement data and conversion metrics to determine how these results compare with our understanding of your Ideal Client Profile (ICP) and as result an increasing understanding of your return on investment.
Why CRESTONE is the right choice to ELEVATE your knowledge?
CRESTONE’s access to data for Geo-Fencing and Device ID is unparalleled. It’s a one-to-one device match that’s verified and made available for marketing campaigns. Many location-based targeting strategies offered competitively are using assumptive data to verify user location information. The Device ID data used by Crestone is specific to latitude and longitude and is not accessible through a data pool until it’s been verified to be real. Beyond the reliability of this exact methodology, Crestone also has access to third party data to match devices back to home addresses and match that data to publicly available information about the people who live in those addresses to generate the Audience Insight Report. No one in the industry is leveraging available geo-spatial data as fully as Crestone DMS and making that data accessible to target in a programmatic advertising campaign.